
Kerry Willis

Kerry Willis

Kerry Willis

Mortgage, Equity Release and Protection Advisor

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Kerry Willis is our later life lending specialist incorporating Equity Release, by this we mean mortgages for the 50+ age bracket. Qualified to offer Mortgage and Protection advice as well as her specialist field. Kerry's areas of expertise include looking at the best mortgage solutions when taking into account standard income and/or current and potentially future retirement income.

Kerry's has a wealth of experience within the estate agency industry. In a previous life (pre children) her background was with the Professional Indemnity Insurance field working for a couple of the larger Lloyd's of London Brokers.

Whether you have an interest only mortgage coming to the end of it's term, or looking to release money from your property to assist family onto the housing ladder or want to refinance for a more comfortable retirement speak to Kerry and book in a free initial consultation.

Her experience as a mortgage administrator means that she is well placed to assist with the operational side of the business too.

In her spare time (no there really isn't any!!) Kerry enjoys spending time with her husband and 4 children. She's also crazy enough to be a dog mum to 2.

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